Sunday, August 27, 2006

Welcome to College

College is about two things for me... Going to classes and being BORED. One way of soothing boredom is looking through random articles on Wikipedia and I'm hoping blogging will be another. The intent of this blog is to give you the view of a College student from Scottsville, Virginia going to college nine-hundred miles away in Columbia, Missouri. Thats right, I'm a Mizzou Tiger, and so far... bored to be one. Already gone through a bout of homesickness. Another one is incoming.
No real friends as yet. All the people here beat my ass at videogames and there is this one guy who sounds like Dwight from the crappy American version of 'the Office'. Bought a rather funny book called 'the Alphabet of Manliness' by the owner of the so-called 'Greatest Website in the Universe', Maddox. Met a girl in my 'Theater in Society' class, she seems nice.
And as of now, I am alone in my room thanks to the fact that my near brainless roomate went home to bang his underage girlfriend for the weekend (it is quite posibly the worst thing in the world to walk in on your roomate having phone sex with his girlfriend... Ugh).
I constantly see people going out to parties and coming back drunk, but I don't say anything. And hell the guy across and down the hall has a fridge packed with Natural Light.
I'm thinking of becoming a CL next year.

Until Next Time.

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