Monday, August 28, 2006

College Dining Hall Expirience

Todays post shall be all about the Dining Hall Expirience at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Today for lunch I went to the newest dining hall, Plaza 900, clearly attempting to be more than it is. On the menu for me today was something attempting to be asian and a fairly decent potato soup.
The Asian food was Fried Rice that wasn't and stir fry that also wasn't, although they did serve it in a wok. They also had clearly no idea what soy sauce was, else this food might actually have a flavor.
The Potato soup, being the simplest thing, actually held alot of promise. All it required was pepper to taste.
And just as a side-note, I had an apple. It was fresh and delicious.
The Ambiance is somewhere between huge diner, cafe, and commercial buffet.
Plaza 900 gets a overall seven stars out of ten.

For dinner I went with a few friends on a little jaunt to the southwest corner of campus to Dobbs Pavilion. I had A grilled chicken sandwich, some fries and cherry tomatoes.
The grilled chicken sandwich was actually rather good, then again it was just a grilled chicken sandwich.
The fries sucked, plain and simple.
The tomatoes were a waste of some planters time. These tomatoes wouldn't be fit for use in a crappy primary school pizza sauce.
Due to the fact that food was served on plastic (plaza at least had real silverware and ceramic plates) and the whole place felt like I was in a crappy restaurant/buffet.
Dobbs Pavilion gets a six out of ten.

Hopefully something good will come with tomorrow. Eva J's and Rollins.

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