Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well Frak Me.

For those of you not in the know, Battlestar Galactica is one of the best shows on television, and definitely the best Science Fiction series currently airing.

Its grimdark sci-fi at its best and allow me to give you just a few reasons why.
1. Edward James Olmos, badass actor if there ever was one, plays the stalwart Admiral William Adama, a man who's stares kill lesser men.
2. Michael Hogan, consumate professional who has actually made us care for an old washed up drunk in his character of Colonel Saul Tigh.
3. Galactica itself, a ship with such classic looks that actually cause a geek to nearly shed a tear when he knows she wont make it through this.
4. Grace Park, very attractive, amazing actress, filling in several roles as the "same" person, and yet manages to make every single one different.
5. the Song, which has brought new life to a classic Hendrix tune in a way anyone could enjoy.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Its been a while

So, after determining that I hate blogging, I return to it. Nothing to post at the moment, just gettign restarted.

Monday, August 28, 2006

College Dining Hall Expirience

Todays post shall be all about the Dining Hall Expirience at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Today for lunch I went to the newest dining hall, Plaza 900, clearly attempting to be more than it is. On the menu for me today was something attempting to be asian and a fairly decent potato soup.
The Asian food was Fried Rice that wasn't and stir fry that also wasn't, although they did serve it in a wok. They also had clearly no idea what soy sauce was, else this food might actually have a flavor.
The Potato soup, being the simplest thing, actually held alot of promise. All it required was pepper to taste.
And just as a side-note, I had an apple. It was fresh and delicious.
The Ambiance is somewhere between huge diner, cafe, and commercial buffet.
Plaza 900 gets a overall seven stars out of ten.

For dinner I went with a few friends on a little jaunt to the southwest corner of campus to Dobbs Pavilion. I had A grilled chicken sandwich, some fries and cherry tomatoes.
The grilled chicken sandwich was actually rather good, then again it was just a grilled chicken sandwich.
The fries sucked, plain and simple.
The tomatoes were a waste of some planters time. These tomatoes wouldn't be fit for use in a crappy primary school pizza sauce.
Due to the fact that food was served on plastic (plaza at least had real silverware and ceramic plates) and the whole place felt like I was in a crappy restaurant/buffet.
Dobbs Pavilion gets a six out of ten.

Hopefully something good will come with tomorrow. Eva J's and Rollins.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Welcome to College

College is about two things for me... Going to classes and being BORED. One way of soothing boredom is looking through random articles on Wikipedia and I'm hoping blogging will be another. The intent of this blog is to give you the view of a College student from Scottsville, Virginia going to college nine-hundred miles away in Columbia, Missouri. Thats right, I'm a Mizzou Tiger, and so far... bored to be one. Already gone through a bout of homesickness. Another one is incoming.
No real friends as yet. All the people here beat my ass at videogames and there is this one guy who sounds like Dwight from the crappy American version of 'the Office'. Bought a rather funny book called 'the Alphabet of Manliness' by the owner of the so-called 'Greatest Website in the Universe', Maddox. Met a girl in my 'Theater in Society' class, she seems nice.
And as of now, I am alone in my room thanks to the fact that my near brainless roomate went home to bang his underage girlfriend for the weekend (it is quite posibly the worst thing in the world to walk in on your roomate having phone sex with his girlfriend... Ugh).
I constantly see people going out to parties and coming back drunk, but I don't say anything. And hell the guy across and down the hall has a fridge packed with Natural Light.
I'm thinking of becoming a CL next year.

Until Next Time.